Birthday greetings always begins with the word HAPPY, but this year, I have known what it's like to have a really Happy Birthday. I am thankful for all the blessings and all the great things that came my way, even the moments when I am down on my knees, because it gave me the chance to start again and to face the truth. I am still so scared of getting my heart broken into pieces but that fear will never stop me from loving this wonderful person. Just wanted to let you know how every phone call and evey text message is appreciated. How every smile on your face turns my nights into days. Your laughter. Your Voice. Your face. Your warm embrace. Your kiss. Your kindness. YOU. You are the most caring person I have ever met. Thank You for making it a Happy Birthday for me.
A few weeks ago, I was watching one of my favourite movies on HBO. There was a scene when the question of happiness was brought up, and I guess, for now my definition of happiness will be something similar.
Happiness is when there's no other place in the world you'd rather be, but the place when you are with the one you love the most. Happiness is loving you and keeping you in my heart.
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