wish granted

Two weeks before christmas, someone asked me, what is the best gift I have received or what would be the best christmas present that i would like to receive. In less than 5 seconds, I gave her my answer. The best gift that I want is TIME. Time with my loved ones, friends, and the one I want the most, is time with my sweet honey.
So there I was in my room and as I start to count my blessings, I felt so much better, because there's just too many! I thanked my Maker for all the wonderful gifts. The beating of my heart jumping for joy got louder in that part when I was thanking Him for YOU. My wish was granted, and I was given so much more. I got to hug you, kiss you, sleep and wake up in the middle of the night, and watch you sleep, hear you snore, sleep again, wake up in the morning and see your face again. Eat breakfast with you, lunch, dinner, play with you, wrestle with you, (remember, I scored 3 points! =)) kiss you, kiss you again, and again, gift wrappfing with you, getting wrapped inside your arms, getting the best massage from you (reminds me of something..;) sing with you, opening presents with you, see you smile, hear your laughter, hear you knocking on my door, tickle you, take photos with you, take advantage of you, (hehehe!) drink with you, watch TV with you, kiss you again,watch you dancing, sleep beside you, wake up again beside you, hug you, kiss you again, love the gift you gave me, and I love you, I love you, I love you. Thanks to Him and thanks to you. This is the best of the best of the best christmas. Thank you for making me feel this way. I keep on saying that I love more than I could ever tell you, but how you make me feel, is more than my heart could ever wished for.
Merry Christmas my honey. I can't wait to see you again.
It really doesn't get any better than this. =)
show me a smile...and then kiss me, tell me you love me again... come to my room, and then lie in my bed...I love you, you know, although sometimes, it just doesn't show. =)
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